Frequently Asked Questions

Market and Company Questions

What are my funds used for?

Answer: Along with other loan note purchaser's funds, the funds provide a pool of funds for Business Bridge lending, secured against UK Property's to very conservative limits based on realistic but conservative Property Values.

Why the U.K.?

Answer: As a G7 country, and the fifth richest economy in the World the UK is one of the safest, stable, and most highly regulated countries in the world. Furthermore, the value of the UK £ (Pound) presently offers an extremely attractive proposition to foreign purchasers.

Why the U.K. Bridging Market?

Answer: The Bridging Market is under pinned by U.K. Property Security, one of the safest asset classes in the World.

Why the Certain Bridge Bridging Market in particular?

Answer: Certain Bridge ensures that all of its real property security has a significant level of surplus equity to really safe guard the funds resulting from the purchase of your secured Loan Note.

Will you be able to get business bridging clients to borrow the funds?

Answer: Yes, there is currently a substantial oversupply of clients who wish to borrow in this manner; this is what has created this attractive opportunity.

What happens if a loan borrower defaults?

Answer: If a borrower defaults, then there are a number of options available to us. Because of the very conservative amounts we lend and the significant level of surplus equity available when compared to the underlying real property security value, it is unimaginable that we would not be able to recover all of the secured funds and the chances of a complete total loss is almost incalculable. However in this hypothetical and almost impossible scenario, there is sufficient profit being made from all of the other performing secured loans which likewise all have a considerable level of surplus equity. In summary the spread, diversity but very profitable secured loans with considerable levels of surplus equity in the secured lending portfolio make the likely hood of any potential individual losses to be inconsequential.

Will all of my funds be lent to one borrower?

Answer: No. Your funds will be placed in a pool of funds along with funds from other Loan Note purchasers. Your funds will be securely lent over a number of different business bridge borrowers.

Loan Note Questions

How much interest will I receive?

Answer: If you purchase £100,000 worth of Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum or Platinum Plus Loan Notes, you will be paid back (including your initial capital) £117,500 over 2 ½ years with the Bronze, £126,880 over 3 years with the Silver, £150,000 over 4 years with the Gold, £160,000 over 4 years with the Platinum, or £170,000 with the Platinum Plus Loan Notes.

Can I purchase more than one type of Loan Note?

Answer: Yes, if you are not entirely sure which category of Loan Note suits your requirements, you are able to split your Loan Note purchase between more than one category.

What is the minimum purchase?

Answer: The minimum purchase is £15,000 with our Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Loan Notes. For Platinum Plus, the minimum purchase is £50,000.From time to time, there may be a lower minimum

Is my return a targeted return or fixed?

Answer: Fixed. The return from Certain Bridge's secured Loan Notes is fixed throughout the term(s) and these are the payments you will receive. It is because of our cautious approach and secured returns we can offer these secured fixed returns.

Are the funds loaned by Certain Bridge secured?

Answer: Yes. All funds loaned by Certain Bridge are secured by way of first or second charge mortgage security on UK properties and recorded and registered at Her Majesty's Land Registry.

What is my security?

Answer:Your funds are secured by way of a charge in your name which is registered at UK Companies House shortly after purchase.

How often is Interest paid?

Answer: Interest is paid direct into your nominated account twice yearly. Whether you have a busy career or enjoying retirement, you can carry on with life knowing that your secure funds are producing a healthy income and look forward to the receipt of your money every 26 weeks.

How do you ensure that over the term of the Loan Note until its maturity I will get paid my six monthly, interest payments?

Answer: Over the term of all Loan Note funds Certain Bridge will at differing time intervals constantly and securely loan at significant interest rate Bridging funds for short periods; typically six months. These secured funds are then repaid with a significant profit margin. The funds are then loaned out again and this process cycle continues throughout the term of the Loan Notes. The sophisticated financial software we use and the interest rate returns achieved by Certain Bridge in its secured Bridge lending along with the constant and efficient recycling of these secured funds ensures that we always have the free unencumbered funds available to meet the various time anniversaries for our capital repayments and any bonus payments at the maturity of your Loan Note.

How do you ensure that I will be repaid my original capital at the term maturity of my Loan Note and if I own Gold and / or Platinum Loan Notes my term bonus which is also payable at maturity?

Answer: Over the term of all Loan Note funds Certain Bridge will at differing time intervals constantly and securely loan at significant interest rates Bridging funds for short periods; typically six months. These secured funds are then repaid with a profit. They are then loaned out again and this process cycle continues throughout the term of the Loan Notes. The sophisticated financial software we use and the interest rate returns achieved by Certain Bridge in its secured Bridge lending along with the constant and efficient recycling of these secured funds ensures that we always have the free unencumbered funds available to meet the various time anniversaries for our capital repayments and any bonus payments at the maturity of your Loan Note.

Will I be able to withdraw my funds early?

Answer: Yes, for our Gold, Platinum and Platinum Plus Loan Notes, after month 27, you can give 9 months' notice at any time to access your funds early. For our Bronze and Silver Loan Notes, there is no early repayment available due to the short term nature of the Loan Note. However the company will always use best endeavours to try and satisfy any early repayment request on compassionate grounds.

Once I have purchased the Secured Loan Notes, will I have to do any work / sign any documents?

Answer: Once you have successfully completed the purchase of the Secured Loan Notes, we will do all the work, you simply provide the funds for us to securely lend out.